Transform your smile with veneers

A bright and confident smile can have a profound impact on your confidence and overall wellbeing. If you’re looking to enhance the appearance of your teeth and achieve a dazzling smile, dental veneers offer an excellent solution. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of dental veneers and how AAURA Dental, based in Marbella, Estepona, Fuengirola and Stockholm, can help you achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of. With their expertise in cosmetic dentistry and commitment to personalized care, AAURA Dental is the ideal choice for transforming your smile with dental veneers.

What are dental veneers?

Veneers have emerged as a highly sought-after cosmetic dentistry option in recent years, though the concept of dental veneers has been around since the 1920s. In more recent years, however, veneers have been most often mistaken for crowns, due to the increasing trend in individuals travelling to Turkey for dental work.

Whilst both crowns and veneers offer a great solution in improving the appearance and function of teeth, it’s important to highlight that they are very different. Veneers are very minimally invasive, whereas crowns require much more of the natural tooth to be shaved down.

Veneers offer individuals a remarkable opportunity to enhance the aesthetics of their teeth. These ultra-thin shells are meticulously crafted to seamlessly cover the front surface of a tooth, resulting in a long-lasting and incredibly lifelike solution for addressing a wide range of dental imperfections.

Veneers can address a wide range of cosmetic dental concerns, including teeth discolouration, chipped or cracked teeth, misalignment, and even gaps between teeth. They are a versatile and minimally invasive treatment option that can deliver remarkable results in just a few hours.

The Benefits of Dental Veneers

  1. Enhanced smile appearance: Dental veneers can completely transform the appearance of your smile, creating a symmetrical, white, and natural-looking set of teeth. Each set of veneers are entirely custom-made and designed to fit your mouth, ensuring that they blend seamlessly with your existing teeth to give you a beautiful smile.
  2. Minimally invasive treatment: Unlike the increasingly popular trend of patients travelling to Turkey for treatment, where they are often unknowingly fitted with crowns, requiring the natural tooth to be shaved down, veneers need minimal alteration to your natural teeth. To fit veneers, a thin layer of enamel is removed to accommodate the veneers, preserving most of your tooth structure.
  3. Versatility: Veneers can address multiple cosmetic concerns with your teeth, including discolouration, stains, chips, cracks and gaps.
  4. Long-lasting results: With proper care and regular dental hygiene practises, dental veneers can last for many years. We use Emax ceramic veneers here at AAURA Dental, to ensure that they are both durable and aesthetically pleasing.

Dental Veneers at AAURA Dental

At AAURA Dental, we understand the transformative power of dental veneers and are dedicated to helping our patients achieve their desired smiles. With our expertise in cosmetic dentistry, we offer comprehensive dental veneer treatments tailored to each of our patient’s needs.

Our dental professionals at AAURA Dental take the time to understand your desired goals and then design a bespoke treatment plan to achieve your results. We use state-of-the-art technology and the highest quality materials to craft custom-made veneers that perfectly match your desired look and feel.

The process begins with a thorough examination of your oral/dental health and smile. Our team will then discuss your concerns, preferences, and treatment options, explaining each step of the process to ensure that you feel comfortable and at complete ease whilst you’re in our care.

Using state of the art equipment and techniques, we will prepare your teeth by removing a small amount of enamel from your teeth, to accommodate the veneers. Precise impressions of your teeth are then taken, which are then used to create your customised veneers.

During the final appointment, the veneers are carefully bonded to your teeth, and any necessary adjustments are made to ensure a perfect fit and natural appearance. The result is a radiant smile that boosts your confidence and leaves you with a lasting impression!

AAURA Dental on the Costa del Sol and Stockholm, Sweden

Dental veneers are an effective and versatile solution for achieving a stunning smile, and AAURA Dental’s expertise in cosmetic dentistry, personalised care, and commitment to using the latest technology and high-quality materials, makes us the perfect choice for your smile makeover journey.

Trust AAURA Dental to transform your smile with dental and oral health, delivering exceptional results that will leave you beaming with confidence. Schedule a consultation today with us and take the first step towards a new, radiant smile!